The quality of the photography is the key aspect of our work.
SIYU distinguishes itself with its professionalism, its expertise, its willingness to innovate and the photography of its members. Being a photography-based professional association, it is SIYU task to realise and represent the common interests of its members. SIYU presents high-capacity supplies and provides its members with exclusive offers and interesting activities. SIYU is considered Switzerlands 'best practice' photografic instance.
Our SIYU website is available in four languages.English | French | German | Italian
SIYU romandie Website, French
Follow us on Instagram and become part of our community.
Autumn is just around the corner and with it an exciting time with lots of cultural events,...
Documents juridiques – désormais disponibles en français.
SIYU - professionelle fotografie schweiz recently answered questions about the current Mango...
When we took over the presidency, we were faced with the exciting task of uniting our associations...
Active account. Just like the new association, its Instagram account has been active since 1 January...
Guided tour through the photo Basel.
After eight years in Europe, William Klein returned to the city of his birth in 1954 at the age of...
What topics shaped the year 2023? Are your memories already sketchy?
Pool x Near in Arles
SIYU, SPV and same kollektiv in the exhibition "The Last Summer".
"The Bridge of Light" - A look inside New York's professional photography world. Photographers from...