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© Christian Righinetti / DroneTi
Flying drones - how does it work?
On 26 September, the SBF Section Svizzera italiana organised a course for drone pilots at Lodrino Airport. The course was run by DronteTi and DroneAir, members of the Swiss Drone Base Camp in Lodrino. The aim of the course was to promote the conscious use of drones for professional purposes in compliance with current regulations. The ten participating SBF members had the opportunity to refresh their already acquired knowledge, ask specific questions as well as receive advice.
During the course, various topics were deepened and presented such as legislation, the Swiss U-Space platform, the DJI Fly Safe geo-zone clearance or a specific weather app for drone pilots. In the practical part, the participants learned how to deal with dangerous situations such as return to home or a radio control that suddenly does not work, emergency landings or electromagnetic interference.