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News about the SIYU and its members. Further news about exhibitions, informations, events and competitions are to be found in our newsletter  SIYU INFO and on Instagram.


SIYU Basel Northwestern Switzerland


© Robert Hausmann

New Year's aperitif - a complete success

The now traditional New Year's drinks reception organised by the BSNW section is undisputedly becoming the most popular event of the year. With 27 members attending, which corresponds to almost 70 per cent, we were guests at Martin Graf and Seraina Oppliger's studio in Münchenstein (near Basel). Over a sumptuous buffet and good wine, we were able to socialise with colleagues in a relaxed atmosphere until late in the evening.  We were also able to welcome some new SIYU members: Judith Hirsbrunner, Christian Flierl and Adi Ehrbar. A warm welcome to them!

A big thank you also goes to Felicitas, who actively looked after the buffet, and to studio dog Charly. He disposed of every crumb from the floor and was therefore given the nickname ‘Schleckmichweg 5000 by Charlyindustries’. So the new year has got off to a great start in the section and the event calendar still has a few things up its sleeve for 2025 - let us surprise you.

And: Martin's large studio has capacity for a permanent co-tenant. The studio can also be rented by the day after consultation. 

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